
This page describes how to set up your Shopify connection. Click on the Shopify data source, and then "Create a New Connection".

To allow Phiona access to your Shopify data, you'll need to add a private app to your store. Here's how you do it:

  • Navigate to your Shopify store page, and click on "Settings" then "Apps and sales channels".

  • Click on the button that says "Develop apps".

  • Click on the "Create app" button.

  • You'll be prompted to enter a name for your app.

  • Once the app has been created, click on "Configure Admin API scopes".

  • For Phiona to access the correct information, you'll want to select at least these read-only scopes:

    • read_analytics

    • read_customers

    • read_discounts

    • read_inventory

    • read_locations

    • read_orders

    • read_products

  • If you'd like to see some of the additional streams from Shopify that Phiona supports, please select all of the read-only scopes to ensure that the software is able to pull the correct information.

  • Once you've selected the correct permissions, click "Install app" to get your access token.

Last updated