Google Search Console

This page describes how to set up your Google Search Console connection. Click on the Google Search Console data source, and then "Create a New Connection".

You'll have the choice of a few different streams to pull data from:

  • Full Analytics Report

  • Analytics Report by Country

  • Analytics Report by Page

  • Analytics Report by Query

  • Analytics Report by Device

  • Sites: Site List for User

  • Sites: Specific Site

  • Sitemaps: List of Entries

  • Sitemaps: Specific Sitemap

For each of these streams, you'll need to paste your Site URL.

There will also be options to add custom parameters, and for some of these (query, for example) the parameters are quite advanced. Please refer to the Google Search Console API Documentation for more details.

For most of these reports, you'll need to select a Date Range to pull the information from. This can be either hardcoded dates or relative dates (last week's data, for example).

Once you have selected your options, click "Authorize and Save Connection". This will bring up a Google Authentication screen where you can enter your username and password.

Last updated